Other Logos
Logo concept created for a vegan food supplier specializing in meat-alternative products.
Logo concept for a food supplier for plant-based seafood products.
A modernization of the original PlayStation mark (with a hidden number five) intended to respect the brand’s legacy.
“Retro” Discord / Microsoft partnership logo concept.
Simple redesign concept intended to highlight the strength of the Pringles brand’s older logos.
Logo redesign concept for the recording artist Myd of Ed Banger Records.
Parody / reimagining of Netscape logo as it existed in the 90s and early 2000s.
This logo concept pays homage to the latest Burger King rebrand, which took heavy inspiration from its own designs from decades past.
Pandemic PSA and logo parody referencing Sonic the Hedgehog.
Quick prompt from Adobe’s Twitter account to design a logo using only squares.
This logo concept for a manga publisher incorporates a manga-style eye and Hitodama (Japanese spirit/ghost).
Psychedelic logo concept.
ZANAC, a Japanese “shoot ‘em up” space shooter series from the 80s and 90s, was a favorite of mine, but the franchise was largely ignored, and the sequel never got a proper western release. This conceptual piece is an homage to what could have been in a more modern context, had the company and series lived on.